Tracy Gregorash

Tracy Gregorash

Hi, I'm Tracy and I live in Minnedosa, Manitoba.

In 2020, just prior to the pandemic, my husband gifted me a camera. I think he saw it as a way to keep me busy rather than having to listen to me go on and on about every detail of the flowers, sunsets and storm clouds I encountered - oh, and let’s not forget about the birds! It turned out to be one of the best gifts ever as I discovered a passion for capturing nature's beauty through landscape, wildlife and night sky photography.

Over time, people started taking an interest in my work and I was approached to try my hand at family photo sessions. As a retired teacher I enjoy engaging with kids, so decided to give it a shot. The experience has blossomed into a new way for me to combine all of those things by capturing intimate family moments in outdoor settings!

I look forward to exploring more photography adventures in the future, like helping grads with their special day and pursuing storm chasing!

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